So this week I have been working on a script that will allow me to view the registry on remote machines. While speaking to a colleague about this he already had a script put together, which worked…but what’s the fun in that. So taking a quick look at his code, I pulled the key factor. In .NET there is a class that will allow you to open a remote registry.


This allows me to specify the hive and the computer on the network that I want to get values from.

Using Get-Member (one of my favourite commands) I could see there was a “OpenSubKey()” method.

Get-Member on OpenRemoteBaseKeyClick on the image to enlarge

This “OpenSubKey()” method allows you to specify a registry for it to open. There is also a “GetValueNames()” method that returns the keys in the specified registry.

What I wanted to do was to be able to specify a Hive/Registry/Key and for it to spit out the value. I also wanted the script to do was for me to just specify the Hive/Registry and for it to tell me the other “folders” in that registry.

So, this is what I came up with.

Please feel free to use it.

Function Get-RemoteRegKey
	[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "__AllParameterSets")]
			Position = 0,
			ValueFromPipeline = $true,
			ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
		[string[]]$ComputerName = "",		

			Position = 1,
			ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
			HelpMessage = "The HKEY to open, from the RegistryHive enumeration. The default is 'LocalMachine'.")]
		[string]$Hive = "LocalMachine",

			Mandatory = $false,
			Position = 2,
			ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
			HelpMessage = "The path of the subkey to open.")]

			Mandatory = $false,
			Position = 3,
			ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
			HelpMessage = "The name of the value to open.")]

    foreach($computer in $ComputerName)
        write-verbose "Opening Remote have to: $Computer into Hive: $Hive"
                $query = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]$Hive,$computer)
                    write-error "Error connecting to the remote registry. Please review your computername"
        write-verbose "Opening $reg in $hive"
                $InitialKey = $query.OpenSubKey($reg).getvaluenames()
                    write-error "Could not open $hive\$reg - its possible it does not exsist."
           if (!$InitialKey)
                    write-verbose "Could not find any Keys in specified Reg - Returning object with no KeyValues - $($query.opensubkey($reg).name)"
                    $query_noValue = New-Object pscustomobject
                    $query_noValue | Add-Member -name Reg -type NoteProperty -Value  "$hive\$reg"
                    $query_noValue | Add-Member -Name SubReg -type NoteProperty -value $query.OpenSubKey("$reg").getsubkeynames()
                    return $query_noValue
                    write-verbose "Getting single value $key from $($query.opensubkey($reg).name)"
                    $query_value = New-Object pscustomobject 
                    $query_value | Add-Member -Name Reg -type NoteProperty -value "$hive\$reg"
                    $query_value | Add-Member -Name KeyKind -type NoteProperty -Value $query.opensubkey("$reg").getvaluekind($key).tostring() 
                    $query_value | add-member -name Key -type NoteProperty -value "$key"
                    $query_value | Add-Member -Name KeyValue -type NoteProperty -value  $query.opensubkey("$reg").GetValue($key)
                    $query_value | Add-Member -Name SubReg -type NoteProperty -value $query.OpenSubKey("$reg").getsubkeynames()
                    return $query_value

        $query_obj = $null   
        $query_obj = @{}
        $query_Output = $null
        $query_Output = @()
        write-verbose "Starting loop for all keys in directory $($query.opensubkey($reg).name)"
        foreach($s in $InitialKey)
               $query_obj = New-Object pscustomobject 
               $query_obj | Add-Member -Name Reg -type NoteProperty -value "$hive\$reg"
               $query_obj | Add-Member -Name KeyKind -type NoteProperty -Value $query.opensubkey("$reg").getvaluekind($s).tostring()
               $query_obj | add-member -name Key -type NoteProperty -value "$s"
               $query_obj | Add-Member -Name KeyValue -type NoteProperty -value  $query.opensubkey("$reg").GetValue($s)
               $query_obj | Add-Member -Name SubReg -type NoteProperty -value $query.OpenSubKey("$reg").getsubkeynames()
               $query_Output += $query_obj

    return $query_Output


Here is a image of a typical output if you specify all parameters:

all parameters

Here is a image of a typical output when you do not specify the -Key parameter:

no valueparam

As you can see from the above image, because there are no keys in this Reg it just returns you the sub-folders (I call the subreg in the object)

If you have any questions about this script you can drop me a line on twitter alexinnes