Firstly apologies for the gap in posting. I had a couple issues with my health and then had a backlog of work.

This is the first time in a while I have managed to write some PowerShell in a while. I was asked by a colleage if I could write something to show the system specs of a machine and show its drivers/hardware IDs. So I threw together this script:

Uses XAML which I generate in Visual Studios (Create a WPF project) and build the interface and just copy the XAML. I add the “Name” tages so I can reference them in my PowerShell. Then grabbing the system specs and drivers is as easy as calling get-ciminstance or get-wmiobject. I had to do some work trying to get the information the listboxes by creating another object with the data inside.

Feel free to use the script and suggest edits/improvements on the gist.

